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The Master Foremfo logo w bgst Owner program provides private woodland owners of New York State with the information and encouragement necessary to manage their forest holdings wisely.

The MFO volunteers receive training developed by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Forester from the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment. This training complements their experience as forest owners.

Over 140 experienced and highly motivated volunteer MFOs are available statewide, ready to assist neighbor woodland owners with the information needed to start managing their woodlands, through free site visits to landowners properties. All MFOs are graduates of a training program, where they learn about saw timber and wildlife management, woodland economics, and ecology. The MFOs continue to receive information updates, attend refresher classes and maintain contact with natural resource managers from private, public, and academic organizations.

Sponsors: USDA Renewable Resources Extension Program, New York Forest Owners Association, Robert H. Wentorf Foundation, Inc., National Institute Food and Agriculture, Cornell Cooperative Extension, as well as other private donations.


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